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Do It, Don't Blog It
Does all our online chatter about being missional keep us from being missional?
Discovering and Escaping Liturgy
Worship trends among the young are more complicated than you realize.
Teaching the Hard Parts of Scripture
Wisdom and advice from seasoned pastors for addressing the most difficult and taboo topics in the Bible and culture.
Why do Christians need to be attentive to the attitudes of non-Christians toward the church?
Dan Kimball responds in our Ask the Experts discussion.
Ministry in the Margins
Understand the role of the church in a changing culture.
Discovering and Escaping Liturgy
Worship trends among the young are more complicated than you realize.
Discipling Emerging Adults
Lead and encourage young adults to spiritual growth and leadership.
Do It, Don't Blog It
Is all the chatter on the web about missional church actually keeping us from being missional?
Calling all Christians
There are no second rate callings
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